Supported Living

We believe that all people have the potential to find their own solutions and independence given the right support. Through the collaboration of the individuals being supported and an assigned Key Worker we ensure that person-centred support plans are delivered, and positive outcomes are achieved.

Physical Disability
Link staff are trained in Safe Moving and Manual Positioning techniques and use of different mobility and transfer aids to support clients of varied age ranges. Links carers will work in collaboration with other professionals to provide care that is fostered around client’s individual needs.

Learning Disability and Autism
Links staff work with clients best by focusing on their abilities, on what is important to them and for them, agreeing on a care/ support plan that specifically addresses their needs so that clients may live lives that can be referred to as ’truly their own’.
Links is a proactive provider of care and support for people living with a Learning Disability across Nottinghamshire. We empower people by enabling them to live as independently as possible within, supported living services with a tenancy and Housing with Care (HwC) package. We uphold service users’ rights to privacy, respect, dignity, choice, independence, fulfilment and safety.

Complex Care
We specialise in assisting people with long term complex health conditions and hence require advanced levels of support, to offer them the care they require to live a full and healthy life. Providing and promoting quality of life, choice, dignity and independence wherever possible.Copy of LINKS23, Supported Living Care

Links will support your individual needs, including: